"It's not if you come to IBEX, it's when." - Dr. William Varner
The Master's College Israel Bible
Extension program was founded in 1995 as a semester-abroad, in-depth study of
the Scripture based on experiencing the land, culture, and language of the
Bible first hand. Students are afforded the opportunity to live, travel, and
study in the land for three months, where the combination of study and hands-on
experience is unequalled. Doug Bookman, co-founder of the IBEX program, has
been known to comment, "Everyone has an impression of the land of the
Bible before they come. Their impression is wrong."
For pictures and updates from our current semester, check out our facebook page !
Meet our 40th group of IBXim!
Back Row, Left to Right: Isaiah Schlegel, Zach Schlegel, Taylor Koh, Elizabeth Froh, Stephanie Simmons, Cameron Baxter, Mishaela Parker, Mark Finster, Luke Francis, Canon Baldridge
2nd Row: Benj, Yonatan & Yair Foreman, Zach Harris, Kaili Sholin, Sean Ryan, Chritine Hartung, Connor Weiss, Sarah Hanthorn, Troy Anderson, Abbey Floyd, Ashlee Trenery
3rd Row: Yael & Odeliah Foreman, Krysta Wiens, Taylor Breckenridge, Joanna Reigle, Trudi Raditke, Hillary Warmack, Emily Patrick, Emmalyn Hurley, Stephanie Schlegel, Bill Schlegel
Front Row: Mallory McCabe, Kailyn Phillips, Taylor LaForti, Joseph Carter, KariAnne Frazer, Rachel Schlegel, Sarah Schlegel, DeAnna Donante, Erin Greene
For pictures and updates on the semester check out our facebook page here.