The IBEX classroom easily seats forty students with desktop space, and is equipped with an ultra-bright data/video projector and surround sound system that allows professors to supplement lectures with PowerPoint and videos. The classroom features large maps of Israel and a topographical map of Jerusalem. A glance outside the windows reveals a beautiful view of the Judean hill country, while inside the classroom has air-conditioning and heating.

The library contains many valuable resources to help students in their studies of the land of Israel. There over 5,000 books with subjects ranging from Biblical times to the modern state of Israel. Library computers are available to the students for research and word processing. The library has a laser printer, color printer, scanner and photocopier.

The greatest benefit of studying in IBEX is the central location of the campus in the Holy Land. To take every advantage of this asset, IBEX students participate in many scheduled field trips. Studying a site in the classroom and then seeing it on the field proves to be an invaluable way to learn about the context of the Bible.

In the land of the Bible students don't just learn by reading and listening to lectures, but by actually experiencing the land and culture of the Bible. It's this atmosphere, IBEX alumni would say, that makes the Bible come alive. While these trips give students a chance to grow academically, they also create shared experiences that forever impact lives.

IBEX Park started out as a thicket of undergrowth, boulders, weeds, and trees near the dormitories. On organized work days, IBEX students began the process of cleari

Today, IBEX Park offers a serene place to study, relax and play. It's filled with diverse plant life, including oak, pine, fig, and palm trees, as well as a variety of flowers. The swing and the hammock offer great places to relax, the benches are in shady places fit for reading or chatting, and the campfire ring provides a place to enjoy the fellowship of other students.

The Wood Lounge is located in between the faculty offices and the library. The lounge contains a computer and printer the the students' convenience. The lounge is equiped with it's own wifi so students have a place to reasearch, e-mail, and surf the web from their laptops and IBEX provided desktops.

One unique feature of the IBEX campus is the Biblical Gardens. Started in 1999 to introduce visitors to important aspects of biblical life, replicas of ancient installations have been modeled after archaeological and historical evidence. Some installations are constructed from ancient stones that Israel's Antiquities Authority has provided for public display. Even the plants represent those that people of Bible times grew and harvested.

Visitors can press grapes in an Old Testament winepress, explore a replica of an ancient tomb, see the workings of an olive press and a threshing floor. The watchtower lends an excellent view of the Judean hills and sunsets over the distant Mediterranean Sea. There is an ancient synagogue, reassembled partly from original basalt blocks brought from its excavation site in Galilee.